Not an Avenger

Avenging Initiatives — Why we want to save the world

Kelly Vero
Published in
5 min readSep 26, 2018


Jamy Nigri is CEO of BDXAlliance and brings a world of experience in investments, development and exits from across all industries. He evangelises what BDXAlliance do with a strong future-proofed focus towards triumph, achievement and more fun than the BDX family can possibly handle.

It’s a really interesting time to be alive. When I first grabbed the reins of BDXAlliance I knew that I wanted to do something good in Blockchain and crypto; and in the few short months since taking over, we’re definitely on track.

The idea that over the last couple of years we’ve seen this incredible groundswell of coins popping up to buy into new kinds of tech, or literally just to invest in coins. Whilst the prospect of pennies falling from heaven seem like a dream, in our world, unfortunately that’s all they are. There’s more shit coin than bitcoin and I want to change that. At BDXAlliance we are on a kind of cryptoevangelism, a mission to educate the world about what Blockchain can do for all of us. Think The Avengers-meets-The Matrix, and you’re only a mini-Mjolnir away from the zeroes and ones that power all of us, not just in tech.

Full disclosure: I am completely and utterly hooked on all things crypto, but I’m not a computer science major from MIT. Quite the opposite. My path to success has been about the small steps that I could make to be the change that I wanted to see in fintech. I’ve worked really hard over the past decade or two to get to this place. I’ve started up and exited some serious businesses, servicing diverse industries from airlines to video games. Blockchain and crypto feels a little like going home.

Over the next few weeks, I’m bringing some insights into what we do at BDXAlliance, why I’m here, who we are and what we’re up to. As we approach our ICO launch I want to share some of the pillars that we’ve built our tech on with you, in a bid to start a conversation, something we can talk about over a scotch. Oh and I’m bringing you some fresh podcasts too — it’s vital that we’re on the same page.

Building the Machine

Blockchain is not just about the transaction of stuff and things as they pass through supply chains and systems. Blockchain, to me at least, is about laying down the foundation with which we can build on. It’s something I really hoped for a couple of decades ago. Something that could make doing business simpler, regardless of the transaction, that it could be a solution I could carry around with me. I started out on this Blockchain mission as a curious mind and as I said earlier, I got hooked. I got hooked because this was a no-brainer for me. Everyone should be doing this and if they aren’t they should be thinking about this.

Think about it…

Power of Thought

When you invest in something, anything, from an NVIDIA gaming graphics card to a drone, you don’t just buy off the shelf. You do your homework about how things work. I like to know the whats and whys of anything. Reading wikipedia is like going down the rabbit hole for me. Due diligence is a vital part of our day-to-day, and we all have our checklists or moral code that we adhere to. So why would crypto be any different? We created a similar service as part of our platform to ensure that our loyalty is a two-way street. We want our end-users to stay with us for the long haul, and to do that we to step forward with honesty and visibility.

Smart is taking new information and applying it in real-time

I didn’t graduate from college and always wondered if I was actually smart. One day my father told me that quote above. He said I didn’t need to worry about a college education anymore. The reason why this quote means so much to me is because it became very quickly apparent that I needed to put knowledge pretty high up on my list of getting-shit-done when I became CEO of BDXAlliance. The more you know, etc, all of those amazing quotes from Einstein et al meant something which led me to this place. Where we are, and at the stage of pre-ICO launch, education and knowledge is paramount to us being able to share our founding principles and ideals. We ask our Community to question us. I ask my friends to shoot down my ideas. We want rigorous due diligence that I mentioned before. See what I mean about a two-way street? We run workshops, AMAs, podcasts and videos to explain and hopefully entertain how the uniqueness of what we do is going to change all our lives. For good.

Future Friendly

In these days of fast moving tech it is almost impossible for shit coin competitors to keep up. We’re moving. Quickly. Our competitors are leaving their customers either out of pocket or over cautious. What good is that for an industry that is 80% good people? We don’t want this 20% of yah boo sucks to undo our hard work and drive the future away. So, by offering Blockchain as a Service (BaaS) we’re able to do something extra cool that we know is going to be pretty hard for these shadowy creeps to follow. We’re promising:

  • A reputable exchange
  • A solid wallet
  • A rigorous due diligence process for partners wanting to use our ecosystem
  • A supported coin within an active exchange (see above)
  • A protective DNA at the root of our business, we’re putting you first

I’ll be all over the Europe, Asia and the US in Q4 sharing and meeting stories and people. It would be great to see you! The BDXAlliance team motivates not just the chutzpah of doing and being a CEO but also learning and trying. In our office, which comprises of a global headquarters of everywhere from Vienna to Valletta we’re building our strategy on the Avenger’s Initiative: bring your superpower to work, every day. Let’s roll.



Kelly Vero

Proud #slashie. I'm a published author of six books from island crimes to fat cats. Find me on Amazon.